Growth Happens At Different Rates

Growth Happens At Different Rates

As I took my morning walk, I saw all the winter grass that was starting to grow (Arizona’s sign of fall). When I take a picture, I am reminded that growth happens at different rates. Students just like the grass grow at different rates. Unfortunately, the standardized...
New Weekly Blog For Busy Families With Teens

New Weekly Blog For Busy Families With Teens

I started this blog about a year ago to reach out to busy families about the importance of giving students the tools to be independent yet staying an involved parent. Unfortunately, my busy life of being a mother to teenagers, running a business, and being a devoted...
“No Palm Trees”

“No Palm Trees”

Fall is the perfect time to visit colleges. As seniors make their final decisions on what colleges to apply to, I am reminded of the importance of location when selecting colleges. When speaking with one high school student, she had made a determination to not go to a...
Don’t Forget to Have Fun!

Don’t Forget to Have Fun!

At some point in today’s modern education system, the focus of school becomes college preparation. I think that turn comes sometimes during adolescence especially during high school. While being prepared for college is important, I think it is more important that we...