Workshops For Teens
Our small group interactive workshops give teens practical tools to determine the right academic choices for their own unique path to success.
For 6th-12th Grade
Time Management
Learn practical techniques for managing time more effectively. Learn how to deal with procrastination, how to get more done, and have less stress. This is a critical skill that can be used for a lifetime.
What Classes Should I Choose
What classes should you take to prepare for college? High School graduation requirements are not the same as college entrance requirements. Learn if/when/which standardized tests you should take, the advantages and disadvantages of advanced placement classes, about career technical elective classes, and more.

For 10th-12th Grade
Should I Go to College Now
Given the rising costs of higher education, many people are questioning whether it’s worth it. Plus given the high cost and time commitment, everyone should have their own personal reasons for going to college. What are the things that you should consider and what is the alternative?
How to Choose a Major
Changing your major in college can waste time and cost you money. What classes will you be taking? Do you need an advanced degree? What types of jobs can you get? We give you practical tools to help you decide and have realistic expectations.
How to Choose the Right College for Me
There are thousands of colleges to choose from. We help you identify characteristics of the college environment that are most important to you. We show you how to utilize computerized tools to effectively research colleges and go through the college application process.
How to Stand Out on a College Application
You’ve identified where you want to go. Now, how do you stand out? We go through the college application process. We provide tips on building a resume, getting good letters of recommendation, writing interesting essays, and finding scholarships.
How to Effectively Search for Scholarships
Learn practical tips on how to accurately calculate the cost of and pay for college. Learn which scholarships that you are more likely to get, which ones you should not apply for, and which ones you should not accept.