Pathways Blog

Resources 4 College Success
Changing Traditions

Changing Traditions

Last week it was my birthday and in the past I would never put up Christmas Decorations before my birthday. I am the type of person who likes to do one celebration as a time. However, this year I decided to be different and I started a few days before. Why? It’s...

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Why Grades of Athletes Can Go Down in Off Season?

Why Grades of Athletes Can Go Down in Off Season?

It is getting cooler and the seasons are changing from fall to winter so students are also transitioning in the activities that they do. My son plays football which everyone knows is an intense sport. What I have noticed with him, as well as with many of the student...

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Growth Happens At Different Rates

Growth Happens At Different Rates

As I took my morning walk, I saw all the winter grass that was starting to grow (Arizona’s sign of fall). When I take a picture, I am reminded that growth happens at different rates. Students just like the grass grow at different rates. Unfortunately, the standardized...

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New Weekly Blog For Busy Families With Teens

New Weekly Blog For Busy Families With Teens

I started this blog about a year ago to reach out to busy families about the importance of giving students the tools to be independent yet staying an involved parent. Unfortunately, my busy life of being a mother to teenagers, running a business, and being a devoted...

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